
30 Day Photo Challenge 1

30 Day Photo Challenge 1

Formal/ Informal balance

This is my formal balance project and I just put kinda like heartbeats because I thought it would look good.Why I decided to do this was because I like drawing hearts a lot so this time I decided to do a heartbeat.  Colors: *Yellow *Black *Light Purple *Light Blue *Light Green *Red

New Logo

This is my new logo assignment and I decided to do NASA because I have no idea why, but it didn't come out that bad, but it could've came out better. Colors: *Glitter blue * Purple *blue whie

Sketch Book Pro Street Art

This is my Street Art Sketch Book Project and I came up with this because Blue, Purple and Pink are my favorite colors and I put the Pac-Mans because why not. This actually doesn't look that bad, but there could've been more colors or more like brighter colors.

Stencil and Movement

This is my ArtRage Stencils and movement assignment and it's really basic and easy. I did snowflakes because it's december.

Rothko-esque painting in artrage

This is my Rothko-esque assignment and it's really basic. I really like the background because it changes from a color to another. colors: *Red *White *Blue *Purple *green