
Showing posts from December, 2019

Formal/ Informal balance

This is my formal balance project and I just put kinda like heartbeats because I thought it would look good.Why I decided to do this was because I like drawing hearts a lot so this time I decided to do a heartbeat.  Colors: *Yellow *Black *Light Purple *Light Blue *Light Green *Red

New Logo

This is my new logo assignment and I decided to do NASA because I have no idea why, but it didn't come out that bad, but it could've came out better. Colors: *Glitter blue * Purple *blue whie

Sketch Book Pro Street Art

This is my Street Art Sketch Book Project and I came up with this because Blue, Purple and Pink are my favorite colors and I put the Pac-Mans because why not. This actually doesn't look that bad, but there could've been more colors or more like brighter colors.